© Scott McDonald
Global Model Publications
This is a partially listing of publications using the ANARRES/GLOBE model and/or variants.
K Wiebe,K., Sulser,T.B., Dunston, S., Rosegrant, M.W., Fuglie, K., Willenbockel, D, Nelson, G.C., (2021). ‘Modeling impacts of faster productivity growth to inform the CGIAR initiative on Crops to End Hunger’, PLOS ONE, April 15,
Mason-D’Croz, D., Bogard, J.R., Herrero, M., Robinson, S., Sulser, T.B., Wiebe, K., Willenbockel, D. & Godfray, H., (2020) ‘Modelling the global economic consequences of a major African swine fever outbreak in China’, Nature Food Vol 1, pp 221–228
Ahmed, S-A., Barış, E., Go, D.S., Lofgren, H., Osorio-Rodarte, I., and Thierfelder, K., (2018). ‘Assessing the global poverty effects of antimicrobial resistance’, World Development, Vol 111, pp 148-160
Ringler, C., Willenbockel, D., Perez, N., Rosegrant, M., Zhu, T. & Matthews, N., (2016). ‘Global linkages among energy, food and water: an economic assessment’, Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, Vol 6, pp 161–171
Cirera, X., Willenbockel, D. & Lakshman, R.W.D (2013). ‘Evidence on the Impact of Tariff Reductions on Employment in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review’. Journal of Economic Surveys, Vol 28 pp 449-71
Polaski, S., Berg, J., McDonald, S., Thierfelder, K., Willenbockel, D. & Zepeda, E, (2009). Brazil in the Global Economy: Measuring the gains from trade. Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Also published in Portugese as O Brasil na Economia Mundial: Medindo os Ganhos Comercias.
McDonald, S. and Walmsley, T., (2008). ‘Bilateral Free Trade Agreements and Customs Unions: The Impact of the EU Republic of South Africa Free Trade Agreement on Botswana’, The World Economy, Vol 31(8), 2008, pp 993-1029.
McDonald, S., Robinson, S. and Thierfelder, K., (2008). ‘Asian Growth and Trade Poles: India, China, and East and Southeast Asia’, World Development, Vol. 36 (2), pp. 210-234.
Banse, M., Kaditi, E., Robinson, S. and Swinnen, J., (2008). Analysis of the European Food Industry. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (Joint Research Centre Scientific and Technical Report 41843) Editors: S H Gay, R M’barek and F Santuccio). ISBN 978-92-79-08349-5. 2008.
Azzoni, C., Brooks, J., McDonald, S. and Guilhoto, J., (2007) ‘Who in Brazil Will Gain from Global Trade Reforms?’, The World Economy, Vol 30(10), pp 1568-93.
McDonald, S., Robinson, S. and Thierfelder, K., (2006). ‘Impact of Switching Production to Bioenergy Crops: The Switchgrass Example’, Energy Economics, Vol 28 (2), pp 243-265.