Applied General Equilibrium Modelling ANNARES, STAGE and R23 Models

© Scott McDonald


This is a listings of organisations for whom reports have been produced using STAGE and/or ANARRES/GLOBE models. Where appropriate links to the reports are included but some reports are confidential to the commissioning organisation.

Zepeda, E., Alarcon, D., Sapkota, C., Mcdonald, S., Panda, M. & Ganesh-Kumar, A., (2013). ‘Guaranteeing Jobs for the Rural Poor: An Assessment of India’s MGNREGA Public Works Programme’, in UNDP (2013) Social Protection, Growth and Employment: Evidence from India, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Peru and Tajikistan. New York: UNDP. (ISBN: 9-789211-263633).

Zepeda, E., Sapkota, C., McDonald, S., Panda, M. & Ganesh-Kumar, A., (2013) The Economics of India’s Rural Employment Guarantee. Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Polaski, S., Berg, J., McDonald, S., Thierfelder, K., Willenbockel, D. & Zepeda, E, (2009). Brazil in the Global Economy: Measuring the gains from trade. Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Also published in Portugese as O Brasil na Economia Mundial: Medindo os Ganhos Comercias.

Banse, M., Kaditi, E., Robinson, S. and Swinnen, J., (2008). Analysis of the European Food Industry. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (Joint Research Centre Scientific and Technical Report 41843) Editors: S H Gay, R M’barek and F Santuccio). ISBN 978-92-79-08349-5. 2008.

Polaski, S., Ganesh-Kumar, A., McDonald, S., Panda, M. and Robinson, S., (2008). India’s Trade Policy Choices: Managing Diverse Challenges. Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.