Applied General Equilibrium Modelling ANNARES, STAGE and R23 Models

© Scott McDonald

ANARRES Model Genealogy

The ANARRES models are a development of the GLOBE model family, which were developed by Scott McDonald and Karen Thiefelder between 2002 and 2020. The models were coded by Karen and Scott and were in use by late 2004: GLOBE_1 was made open source in 2009, with GLOBE_2 appearing in 2012. Various substantive versions of the GLOBE model were developed [GLOBE_EN(ergy), GLOBE_MIG(ration), GLOBE_IMP(erfect competition), GLOBE_LAB(our), GLOBE_C(limate)C(hange), GLOBE_t(eaching)], and GLOBE_RDYN(amic)].

The ANARRES model consolidates many of the behavioural relationships included in the variants of GLOBE into a single model designed to be used in either comparative static or recursive dynamic models. The ANARRES model is designed to be compliant with the accounting conventions and price relationships in the System of National Accounts (SNA) and the System of Environmental-Economic Accounts (SEEA). The model can be calibrated using the GTAP, GTAP-Power and GTAP-E databases, and can use the Air Pollution and Non-CO2 databases from GTAP and the Labour quantity data from Walmsley. In addition, ANARRES is designed to use augmented versions of the GTAP databases that provide details about inter regional and intra regional transactions; the requisite data are available.

ANARRES_1 is an open source version that s a good template model for PhD students, and persons new to global CGE models, who want a model that provides a base on which they can build their own behavioural relationships. ANARRES_t is a teaching model used by cgemod’s online course

The model includes the following novel features: generalised nesting for production and utility functions; flexible macroeconomic closure and (factor) market clearing conditions; flexible exchange rates; factor mobility functions; air pollution and emissions tracking; generalised nesting of CES functions for imports and CET functions for exports; etc.

Variants of the ANARRES model can be produced for clients. Email to discuss licensing and model variant options.

TRAINING is available.

The ANARRES models are part of a suite of models that include a single country model (STAGE - a development of the PROVIDE model), the R23 model and several teaching models - the SMOD suite. All these models use a (overwhelmingly) common set of notation and formats. The models are descendants of the the USDA’s ERS model (Robinson et al., 1990),the NAFTA model (Robinson et al., 1993) and Dervis de Melo and Robinson (1982) .







GLOBE Legacy