Applied General Equilibrium Modelling ANNARES, STAGE and R23 Models

© Scott McDonald

Onsite courses

CGEMOD may be able to offer onsite course at a site provided by the commissioning agent.  These course assume that the models will be members of the STAGE/ANARRES family and that all participants have completed the Practical CGE Modelling Course, or the equivalent

The precise arrangements are case specific, so the following options are only indicative.

Participant/Trainer Ratios

One trainer: maximum of 6 participants with 4-6 hours contact per day

Two trainers: maximum of 14 participants with 4-6 hours contact per day per trainer


Typically clients will provide a room with one PC per participant and 1 PC with data projector, each with Windows 10/11 and MS Office and licenses to use GAMS. Morning and afternoon breaks, with refreshments, and lunch will be provided. The trainers need administrator rights to the PC, or a technician available at all times, and one day to install and test programmes.

Option 1: Single Country and/or Global CGE model course

This option would use the STAGE and/or ANARRES CGE models, with 48 hours of lecture and computer time taught over 6 days. A standard course programme is available.

Cost: c£6,000 plus travel and accommodation per trainer.

Option 2: Customised Course

Courses customised to the client’s need can be developed. The programmes for these courses needed to be developed in consultation with client’s and must include an allowance for the development of course materials.

Cost range: subject to negotiation.

Option 3: MIRO-Desktop

This course provides training in using the MIRO desktop application using the STAGE_1 or ANARRES_1 model, which are open source, or licensed versions of STAGE and ANARRES. A typically course would run for 4 or 5 days with 32 to 40 hours of lecture and computer time.

Cost range: c£5,000 plus travel and accommodation per trainer.

Further Information:

If you think this type of training may be appropriate for your needs please email:

Scott McDonald (