Applied General Equilibrium Modelling ANNARES, STAGE and R23 Models

© Scott McDonald

Course Timetables

Courses requiring registration run in two cycles – Sept/Dec and Jan/April.

The number of participants on each course is limited to ensure sufficient support. Recruitment is on a ‘first come first served’ basis; if a course is full you will be offered a place on the same course the next time it is offered.

Course Cycle Timetable

Courses offered by Cycle

Cycle 1

Cycle 2

Final dates for registration

9th Sept

13th Jan

Final dates for (cleared) payment of course fee

16th Sept

20th Jan

Pre-course or exemption exercises sent out

9th Sept

13th Jan

ALL Courses start

23rd Sept

27th Jan

All Courses end

 21st Dec

26th Apr

Cycle 1

Cycle 2

Courses offered

Single Country CGE

Global CGE

Single Country CGE

Global CGE

Recursive Dynamics



Single country CGE course

Global CGE course

Dynamic course