Applied General Equilibrium Modelling ANNARES, STAGE and R23 Models

© Scott McDonald


Please follow the link below to the registration form. After we receive the registration form you will be sent an invoice for the chosen course/courses and, in due course, details about accessing the course materials and the course tutor.

Course fees and cancellation conditions

Course Timetable

Students are required to correspond from an academic email address and provide confirmation of their status from an academic advisor with an academic email address. We only offer the student fee rates to students using academic email addresses.

We only offer the academic fee rates to academics who correspond from an academic email address.


Single Country CGE course

Global CGE course

Recursive Dynamics course

Advanced Training/Support

Open Access


Introduction to SAMs

SAM Estimation

Recursive Dynamics for Dummies

GE Notes


ALL applicants MUST complete the registration form accessed from the link below.

Completing the registration form starts the process for enrolment on the courses.